About Mermanes

Hello there!

I'm a proud parent of two amazing kids, a son and a daughter, and I couldn't be happier with the adventure that parenthood has brought into my life. My journey as a mother has been a remarkable one, filled with laughter, love, and countless precious moments.

When my daughter hit the tender age of 4 or 5, it became strikingly clear that I had a unicorn and mermaid-loving girlie girl on my hands. Watching her enthusiasm for these enchanting creatures, her vibrant imagination, and her insatiable curiosity has been a true joy.

But there's another exciting chapter in my life that I'm thrilled to share with you. Recently, I took the leap and purchased this business, which i am I'm truly passionate about. This new endeavor fills me with enthusiasm. I'm eager to see where this exciting journey takes me, and I can't wait to pour my heart and soul into making it a success.

Join me on this exciting journey, and let's see where life's adventures take us!

Stacey <3

See the Mermanes range

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